Monday, November 10, 2008
Alabama Bound: Contemporary Fine Press and Artists’ Books
Mobile Museum of Art
Mobile, Alabama
Book Arts are the skills including calligraphy, binding, writing, painting and hand-set printing which enable individual artists and artists in collaboration in the creation of handmade, limited edition or one-of -a-kind books.
The 49 works in this exhibition are the product of book artists and teams of skilled artisans, many graduates of the M.F.A. in the Book Arts Program at the University of Alabama, who have studied or reside in Alabama. The show was curated by Billie Goodloe.
Artists include: Cathleen A. Baker, Frank Brannon, Jr., Billy Collins, Cade Collum, Mickey Cleverdon, John Cleverdon, Anna Embree, Louise Lawrence Foster, Suzanne F. Gray, Glenn House, Sr., Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr., Ellen Knudson, Wayne McNeil, Steve Miller, Paul Moxon, Tut Altman Riddick, Ian Robertson, Mary Ann Sampson, Luis Francisco Diaz Sanchez, R.T. Smith, Charlotte Wegrzynowski, Mary Wehner
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Deadline October 31: Atlanta Printmakers' Studio Residency
Atlanta Printmakers Studio is pleased to announce the Emerging Artist Residency, and encourages all interested artists to apply. This residency will provide the resources necessary for emerging artists to complete a printmaking project that they propose. See the Atlanta Printmakers studio website for more details!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Making Faulkner Suite into a Book

SEGBW member, Mary Ann Sampson, recently presented an essay "Making Faulkner Suite into a Book" at the Faulkner/Chopin Conference held at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Giraradeau, Missouri. Dr. Sue Brannan Walker, Poet Laureate of Alabama, authored Faulkner Suite and Ms. Sampson letterpress printed and bound an edition of fifty copies of the book. Dr. Don H. Doyle, McCausland Professor of History at the University of South Carolina, wrote the Foreword to the book.
Mary Ann Sampson
The One-Eye Opera Co.
Ragland, Alabama
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Student Bookworks Call for Entry
Abecedarian Gallery, in Denver, CO will be hosting an exhibition
of student bookworks in Januaray 2009. Full details are available
at, click on the Opportunities for Artists
link to download PDF of the prospectus. Or, send an email with
"Student Show prospectus" in the subject line to:
Alicia Bailey
Abecedarian Gallery
artists' books & prints
910 Santa Fe, Unit #101
Denver, CO 80204
phone: 303.534.1038
fax: 303.479.9556
Women's Studio Workshop: Artist Opportunities: Application Deadlines Drawing Near!
Women's Studio Workshop is a visual arts organization with specialized studios in printmaking, hand papermaking, ceramics, letterpress printing, photography, and book arts. Our artist opportunities include fellowships, residencies, and internships, so don't miss these upcoming application deadlines
October 15
Studio Fellowship
Work in our studios creating a new body of work during this partially subsidized opportunity.
January - March, May - June
November 1
Ceramics Fellowship
Create your own work while contributing to our annual ceramic fundraiser during this partially subsidized opportunity.
January - June
November 15
Artist's Book Residency
Grant funding to produce a limited edition book work, between 50-100 copies.
January - March, May - June
Art-in-Education Fellowship
Opportunity to work in the studios in exchange for teaching silkscreen, etching, or papermaking to local public school students.
April - June
Ceramics Internship
Internship including stipend and housing for emerging artist assisting throwing, glazing, firing, & studio maintenence in preperation for annual ceramics fundraiser.
January - February
For further Information:
Women's Studio Workshop
PO Box 489
Rosendale, NY 12472
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Don't Forget: Pressing South Call for Entries
An exhibition co-sponsored by UNC Wilmington’s Department of Art & Art History and the UNCW Publishing Lab. This call for entries is an opportunity for all practicing letterpress artists in this region to submit their work for an exhibtion showcasing contemporary letterpress printing across the southeastern United States.
For details, visit the website:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Fall Classes at Atlanta Printmakers' Studio!
Fall Classes at APS include: Etching, Monotype, Letterpress, Alternative Screenprint, and Letterpress Finesse.
For more information, see the Atlanta Printmakers' Studio website:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
BookOpolis 2008 Open Call for Artists' Books and Prints
September 15-19, 2008
Artists working in the book form may submit up to two pieces for exhibit. Entry fee s $10 per piece. Artwork received after September 19 will be displayed at the discretion of the curator.
BookWorks 4th Annual BookOpolis Exhibition:
September 26 and 27, 2008
Mark your calendars for BookOpolis 2008, September 26 and 27. This is a not-to-be-missed event for all lovers of book arts. Free and open to the public, join us to celebrate this explosion of artists' books and meet many of the artists. BookOpolis 2007 hosted over 90 books and broadsides!
BookOpolis 2008: Schedule of Events
September 26, Friday
6 pm – 9 pm • Exhibition Opening and Reception
September 27, Saturday
5 pm – 7 pm • Bookbinding and Letterpress Demos
7 pm – 9 pm • Exhibit Viewing Hours
9 pm – 1 am • Music! Dancing! Screenprinting!
For more information,
Saturday, August 16, 2008
19th Century Pocket Diaries and their Diarists
Exhibition dates: 26th August--19 December, 2008
Jessica Lacher-Feldman, Bridget Elmer, and Larry Lou Foster will speak on the evening of 7 October, 2008 at 6:30 pm.
Speakers will discuss the history/evolution of the structure, technology of producing a pocket diary, and the printed matter inside the diaries, what makes a pocket diary a pocket diary, the bridge between the old diaries and new technology, and the diarists, Mr. William Cooper, Mr. Thomas Hobbs, Mr. W. S. Woodward, and Mr. James Mccleary: 2 men critical to the Southern Cause in the War Between the States, and 2 men critical to the North in the same conflict.
There will be refreshments, and music (from CD) of a local re-enactment band called the 5th Alabama Infantry Regimental Band.
Hecho a Mano: Book Arts of Latin America
The exhibit will include books made by three collectives that provide training and a livelihood for their members:
- Taller Leñateros ("Woodlanders' Workshop"), in San Cristobal de las Casas, in Chiapas, Mexico. Mexican poet Ambar Past founded the collective in 1975 after she became interested in preserving the Mayan language Tzotzil that she was learning from local women.
- Ediciones Vigía in Matanzas, Cuba, which produces elaborate and artistic books with craft and copier paper, crayons, and items donated by international visitors.
- Eloisa Cartonera in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The collective purchases cardboard from "cartoneros," or cardboard scavengers, and transforms it into brightly painted covers for modest editions of books.
Also on view will be fine press artists' books from Mexico and Argentina, along with works by Argentine graphic artist and poet Ral Veroni, and by Mexican print maker and artist Artemio Rodríguez.
On exhibit through October 12, 2008
Melba Remig Saltarelli Exhibit Room, Wilson Library
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Free and open to the public
For more information about the exhibit, materials, and related articles, please visit:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Pressing South: Call for Entries
An exhibition co-sponsored by UNC Wilmington’s Department of Art & Art History and the UNCW Publishing Lab. This call for entries is an opportunity for all practicing letterpress artists in this region to submit their work for an exhibtion showcasing contemporary letterpress printing across the southeastern United States.
For details, visit the website:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Ruth Laxson: Life is a Page — Extended Dates
Ruth Laxon: Life is a Page exhibit is extended through Saturday, July 19, 2008. Closing party will be from 6 to 8 pm. Ann Frellsen said that she and friends saw the exhibit and she highly recommends it. Go to these links to see images and reviews of the exhibition.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Photos from 2008 Paper and Book Intensive
Saturday, May 31, 2008
SEGBW Members at Paper and Book Intensive
Above: Southeast Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers photographed at PBI 2008 at Arrowmont in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
From left: Anna Embree, Ann Frellsen, Sarah Marshall, Kathy O'Meara Magnuson, Maggi Johnsen, Sharon Sharp
Above: Southeast Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers photographed at PBI 2007 at OxBow in Saugatuck, Michigan
From left: Laura Thomson, Karen Hanmer, Ann Frellsen, Andrew Huot, Ellen Knudson, Anna Embree
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ruth Laxson: Life is a Page
Ruth Laxson, the world-renowned Atlanta book artist, just announced that she will have an exhibition of all her books at the Marcia Wood Gallery starting on May 29th.
Ruth Laxson: Life is a Page
May 29 - July 5, 2008
Opening Reception: Thursday May 29, 6:00pm-9:00pm
Marcia Wood Gallery
263 Walker Street
Atlanta, Georgia 730313
See more info at:
Monday, April 28, 2008
Call for Proposals and Entries from Lark Books
Book projects should—in some way—use recycled materials for the cover and/or pages of each book. Use of other recycled materials (for stitching, binding, etc.) is encouraged, but not required. If you want to use new linen thread, don't worry. Use of post-consumer papers is encouraged, as is mindful use & consumption of new materials.
Recycled Materials for Covers—recycled books, tin, plastic, wood, cloth, papers & cardboards of all kinds.
Materials for Pages—junk mail, dried & cleaned teabags, coffee filters (I have some if you need them), post-consumer papers, wrapping papers, new post consumer content papers, recycled office memos, tea bags (I seem to drink a lot of tea), & pages from other books.
Binding Styles—long stitch, stab bindings, coil binding, other stitches, rings, brads, heck, even using long thorns to hold the pages together might work.
If you'd like to receive information, send an email directly to me or Beth Sweet, to be added to the list.
The specifics will be coming late in the month.
Terry Taylor
Senior Editor, Lark Books
Feathers, Fins & Foliage: Artist Books on Florida
This exhibition will be presented in conjunction with LeMoyne's annual exhibition of jewelry.
Postmark deadline for entries: July 11, 2008
Exhibition dates: October 3-26, 2008
Eligibility: Open to artist books of any medium and style created as either an edition or one-of-a-kind. Open to all living artists who reside in the North America over 18 years of age. Artwork must have been completed within the last 3 years.
Prospectus and entry form may be found at
Contact Beth Lee,, or Julia DeHoff, 850-224-9751, if you have questions or need more information.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Paper and Book Intensive At Arrowmont: Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Arrowmont • Gatlinburg, Tennessee
May 14 – 25, 2008
Now celebrating its twenty-fifth year, Paper & Book Intensive is a working sabbatical for practitioners and motivated beginners in the book arts, papermaking, and conservation. Daily class sessions are combined with lectures, discussions, and shared meals, to promote unusual levels of exchange and inspiration. PBI 2008 is an opportunity to visit well-known Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in the beautiful mountains of Tennessee. Link to the PBI online information here:
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Edible Books in Decatur, Georgia, at Wordsmiths Books
The 5th Annual Edible Book Festival
Exhibitor registration:
To register, visit or send a check with your registration form to Literacy Volunteers of Atlanta: 246 Sycamore Street, Suite 110, Decatur, GA 30030
Edible Books in Sewanee, Tennessee, University of the South

The Artist's Handbook, Loganberry Books, Shaker Heights, Ohio

Clear and Present Danger, New Hampshire Institute of Art Library
Do you devour books? Maybe you’d like to make one that others devour!
Enter DuPont Library’s Third
The library is proud to announce our participation in this international festival, which started in 2000 and which has been growing in popularity each year. Everyone is invited to submit an entry or entries.
The Rules: Make edible art that has something to do with books.
The Date: April 1 — Bring entries and the book you’re representing by 10 am Judging will commence at 1. The Public is invited to view between 11 and 3:30. At 3:30 the eating begins. You’re invited, even if you don’t enter.
The Place: The Dupont Library lobby
Categories: 12 and under; 13 and older
The Prizes: Gift Certificates to the bookstore will be awarded for:
Best in Show, Best Representation of a Banned Book, Best Children’s Book, Wittiest Book, Best Sewanee Book
For ideas, visit: University Book and supply Store (for Sewanee Authors)