Woodruff Library, Emory University, Decatur GASponsored by The Southeast Guild of Book Works and Emory University$135 tuition
Enrollment total: 15. This workshop is appropriate for adults of all skill levels.
In this two day workshop, students will make two different styles of flag book. The foundation of Hedi Kyle's deceptively small and simple "flag book" structure is an accordion folded spine. Flaps attached to both sides of each of the spine’s “mountain” folds allow the artist to fragment and layer a number of complementary or contrasting images and narratives. When the flag book spine is pulled fully open, the fragmented images on the flaps come together to create a large, panoramic image. This transformation is accompanied by a delightful flapping sound. The spine and covers provide opportunities for additional imagery. The class will discuss the effects of different spine and page dimensions, direction of motion, and which images will be most successful for different book styles. Students will learn a tidy, non-adhesive method of covering boards and use a jig to facilitate quicker, more precise assembly. Students will experiment with complementary and contrasting text and images. While this is not a computer class, digital printing and setting up Photoshop templates for pages, covers and spines will be demonstrated.
To register, email ann.frellsen@emory.edu with your name, address and telephone. Then, mail a check for the full tuition made out to The Guild of Book Workers to
Ann Frellsen
221 Chelsea Drive
Decatur, GA 30030
Your space in the class is only guaranteed upon receipt of full payment, and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Make checks out to The Guild of Book Workers.
We look forward to seeing you in this class!