The slate for GBW officer candidates:
Emily Tipps, Chair
Jessica Peterson, Events Coordinator
Ellen Knudson, Newsletter editor
Kerri Harding, Treasurer
Amy LeePard, Secretary
Biographies of the candidates:
Emily Tipps lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where she teaches Book Arts and Creativity at the University of Alabama's New College. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and and MFA in Book Arts from the University of Alabama. Emily is the founder of High5 Press, which publishes innovative writing in limited-edition, handmade artist's books. She has served as the Southeast Chapter's treasurer since 2007.
Jessica Peterson is a book artist and letterpress printer, who is currently artist-in-residence in the town of Gordo, Alabama. She has been an adjunct faculty member at Purchase College, The University of Bridgeport and The University of Alabama, and has lead workshops and lectured at Printmaking Council of New Jersey, The Art Institute of Chicago and The Center for Book Arts in New York. She graduated with an MFA in Book Arts from the University of Alabama in 2009. Her artists books are included in academic and private library collections around the country. For more information, visit her website at www.papersouvenir.com
Ellen Knudson is a book artist and designer originally from North Carolina. She is currently a book arts curator and design/letterpress instructor at The University of Florida. She holds an MFA in Book Arts from The University of Alabama and produces handmade books under the imprint Crooked Letter Press. Her work is collected and exhibited both nationally and internationally.
Kerri Harding is a bookmaker living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She is a student at The University of Alabama in the MFA in the Book Arts program. Her work includes artist's books, journals, and ephemera. She is in the planning stages of her thesis, which will be an exploration of various binding styles.
Kerri Harding is a bookmaker living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She is a student at The University of Alabama in the MFA in the Book Arts program. Her work includes artist's books, journals, and ephemera. She is in the planning stages of her thesis, which will be an exploration of various binding styles.
Amy C. LeePard is a book artist and letterpress printer in Northport, Alabama. With a background in photography, Amy began, in 2007, working independently with book artists and printers to learn binding, case construction, papermaking, and letterpress printing. An Alabama native, Amy is the daughter of a graphic artist and a printer. Through her love of the book arts, she discovered her parent’s imprint of aesthetic and craftsmanship. Amy continues her exploration of the book arts through workshops, residencies, and conferences across the U.S.