Students (graduate or undergraduate) making books in book arts and/or fine arts programs across the United States are invited to participate in ARTBOUND by submitting work to a juried artists’ book exhibition and permanent collection at The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries!
Entrants are to submit handmade, artists’ books printed in edition. Books printed with letterpress, intaglio, inkjet, and/or screenprint techniques will be considered. We will also consider one-of-a-kind handmade books created in other mediums. We are looking for high quality, original work.
Books selected by the jurors will be purchased for the qualifying award amount, exhibited during the ARTBOUND exhibition, and permanently added to the University of Florida Smathers Libraries’ Special Collections in Book Arts.
Students whose work is selected will be required to provide proof of enrollment. All entries must be original work completed by a book arts student (graduate or undergraduate) enrolled between Fall 2008 and Spring 2010.
Postmark deadline for submissions: March 12, 2010
For further details and to download an entry form go to:
Scroll down the page to find the ARTBOUND icon and link to the entry form.